Objectives of the Institute
The purpose and objectives of the institute are to promote quality assurance in science, industry, business and services, and securing fair competition.
- The DIQ develops its own quality standards in association with its members, which take into account the latest scientific findings and recognised engineering practice.
- The DIQ advises its members in all matters of quality improvement and quality assurance.
- The DIQ advises the responsible agencies in both Germany and the European Union in relevant legislation and regulations with the aim of securing high standards of safety and quality.
- The DIQ pursues the goal of working without self-interest to support the common good.
- The DIQ is authorised to conduct any activities for the purpose of promoting the objectives of the organisation, and in particular, to award research assignments.
- In the interests of promoting quality assurance and fair competition, the DIQ is authorised to issue warnings.
- The DIQ promotes commercial interests in the sense of the provisions of the unfair competition law (UWG), the injunctive relief law (UklaG), the trade marks law, and the law against restraints on competition (GWB) that regulate the right to take legal action and any other provisions of competition laws that regulate the right to take action.
- The DIQ pursues objectives that are exclusively and directly non-profit oriented in the sense of the «Tax-Privileged Purposes» section of the fiscal code of 1977. The organisation is non-profit-based and does not primarily pursue economic purposes of its own.
- The DIQ intends to establish itself as a representative of interests and a lobbying organisation by virtue of the expertise and complex composition of its membership.